WP3 COR2 Catalogue
This catalogue builds on the work undertaken during the EU FP7 AFFECTS project. The catalogue provides analysis of CME properties based on the COR2 coronagraph observations and the Graduated Cylindrical Shell model. This is a pre-release version in the context of HELCATS since the events have not yet been correlated with the released WP2 catalogue. As a result a KINCAT specific ID has been used for each event.
This is version V02 of the catalogue which extends the original pre-release catalogue with a number of additional events and provides the direct link with the other catalogues via the use of the common event ID. (DOI: *** awaiting assignment ***)
The catalogue can be downloaded in several formats (Fixed format ASCII, JSON, VoTable XML)
Launch date range |
ID | Pre-event data [UTC] |
Last COR2 date | GCS HEEQ Long [deg] |
GCS Carr Long [deg] |
GCS HEEQ Lat [deg] |
GCS Tilt Angle [deg] |
GCS Aspect Ratio | GCS H Angle [deg] |
GCS Apex Speed [kms-1] |
GCS CME Mass [kg] |
The catalogue contains the following columns:
Column | Description |
ID | The HCME identifer for the observed CME. |
Pre-event data | The pre-event date associated with the event |
Last COR2 date | The pre-event date associated with the event |
GCS HEEQ Long [deg] | CME HEEQ Longitude using GCS forward modelling |
GCS Carr Long [deg] | CME Carrington Longitude using GCS forward modelling |
GCS HEEQ Lat [deg] | CME HEEQ Latitude using GCS forward modelling |
GCS Tilt Angle [deg] | Tilt Angle obtained from the GCS fitting |
GCS Aspect Ratio | Aspect ration obtained from the GCS fitting |
GCS H Angle [deg] | Half angle obtained from the GCS fitting |
GCS Apex Speed [kms-1] | CME Apex Speed deteremined from GCS fitting and forward modelling |
GCS CME Mass [kg] | CME Mass determined from GCS fitting |
Example of how to compare KINCAT apex speed and HIGeoCAT SSE fitting speed
In the example video below we demonstrate how to compare the GCS calculated apex speed from KINCAT with the SSE fitting speed from the HIGeoCAT. Since this information is contained in two separate catalogues we use the community web accessible TOPCAT tool to join the two catalogues based on the common ID field and then apply a linear fit using the built in plotting tools. All in under two minutes! A similar process can be applied to many of the HELCATS catalogues to support comparison of results generated within the different Workpackages.