WP3 Catalogue

This catalogue builds on the HI identified CME catalogue produced under WP2. Where possible, time elongation tracks are extracted for each CME along a defined position angle corresponding approximately to the apex of the CME. Single spacecraft geometric fitting techniques (see Davies et al., 2012; doi:10.1088/0004-637X/777/2/167) are used to determine the kinemtatic properties (direction, speed and launch time) for three different simple assumptions of the CME morphology. The result is a super-set of the WP2 catalogue containing both the observed parmeters and the derived kinematics. Please see Barnes et al., 2019 (doi:10.1007/s11207-019-1444-4) for further information and caveats related to this catalogue.

This is version: 06 of the catalogue, released 2019-03-18, last updated 2024-09-24. The catalogue is based on version 6 of the WP2 catalogue. The latest version includes events to the end of August 2024 on STEREO-A. Note that there is a gap of approximately 1 year in STEREO-A data from October 2014 when the spacecraft passed behind the Sun. Data from STEREO-B are not available after Septmeber 2014 since contact with the spacecraft has yet to be re-established.

The catalogue can be downloaded in several formats (Fixed format ASCII, JSON, VoTable XML).

SSE launch date range
ID Date
Quality PA-fit FP speed
FP speed Err
FP Phi
FP Phi Err
FP Carr Long
FP Launch
SSE speed
SSE speed Err
SSE Phi Err
SSE Carr Long
SSE Launch
HM speed
HM speed Err
HM Phi
HM Phi Err
HM Carr Long
HM Launch

The time-elongation profiles used for the fitting for all events can be downloaded as a .tar.gz file (HCME_WP3_V06_TE_PROFILES.tar.gz)

catalogue contains the following columns (by default only a subset are shown above but all will be included when you copy or download the data. Use the Show/hide columns option to display the required selection. Events with quality classification of "poor" are not shown):

IDThe unique identifer for the observed CME.
Date [UTC] The date and time of the first observation of the CME in HI1 camera.
SCThe observing STEREO spacecraft, (A=Ahead or B=Behind).
L-N Indicator that CME extends beyond the northern edge of the field-of-view (< for sc A, > sc B, blank if edge within FOV).
PA-N [deg] The most northern position angle of the CME span.
L-S Indicator that CME extends beyond the southern edge of the feld-of-view (> for sc A, < for sc B, blank if edge within FOV).
PA-S [deg] The most southern position angle of the CME span.

A measure of "good", "fair" or "poor", that indicates the quality of the CME observation and confidence that the eruption is by definition a CME. It is recommended that Poor events are not used for CME based studies.

PA-fit [deg]The postion angle used in the time-elongation fitting
FP Speed [kms-1]CME speed using on Fixed-Phi fitting
FP Speed Err [kms-1]Uncertainty in Speed using Fixed-Phi fitting
FP Phi [deg]Spacecraft-Sun-CME angle phi in degrees using Fixed-Phi fitting
FP Phi Err [deg]Uncertainty in phi using Fixed-Phi fitting
FP HEEQ Long [deg]CME HEEQ Longitude using on Fixed-Phi fitting
FP HEEQ Lat [deg]CME HEEQ Latitude using on Fixed-Phi fitting
FP Carr Long [deg]CME Carrington Longitude using Fixed-Phi fitting
FP Launch [UTC]CME Launch time (r=0) using Fixed-Phi fitting
SSE Speed [kms-1]CME speed using on Self-Similar Expansion fitting
SSE Speed Err [kms-1]Uncertainty in speed using Self-Similar Expansion fitting
SSE Phi [deg]Spacecraft-Sun-CME angle phi in degrees using Self-Similar Expansion fitting
SSE Phi Err [deg]Uncertainty in phi using Self-Similar Expansion fitting
SSE HEEQ Long [deg]CME HEEQ Longitude using on Self-Similar Expansion fitting
SSE HEEQ Lat [deg]CME HEEQ Latitude using on Self-Similar Expansion fitting
SSE Carr Long [deg]CME Carrington Longitude using Self-Similar Expansion fitting
SSE Launch [UTC]CME Launch time (r=0) using Self-Similar Expansion fitting
HM Speed [kms-1]CME speed using on Harmonic-Mean fitting
HM Speed Err [kms-1]Uncertainty in speed using Harmonic-Mean fitting
HM Phi [deg]Spacecraft-Sun-CME angle phi in degrees using Harmonic-Mean fitting
HM Phi Err [deg]Uncertainty in phi using Harmonic-Mean fitting
HM HEEQ Long [deg]CME HEEQ Longitude using on Harmonic-Mean fitting
HM Carr Long [deg]CME Carrington Longitude using Harmonic-Mean fitting
HM HEEQ Lat [deg]CME HEEQ Latitude using on Harmonic-Mean fitting
FP Launch [UTC]CME Launch time (r=0) using Harmonic-Mean fitting

This is where we will display additional event information such as images.