
The formal deliverables for the project are listed below. Please take a look at the individual work package descriptions to get further insight on the activities leading to these products.

Work Package 1:

Deliverable Number Deliverable Title Leader Delivery Month
D1.1 HELCATS website launch STFC 3
D1.2 Minutes of the kick-off meeting STFC 2
D1.3 Progress report to the Commission (6 months) STFC 7
D1.4 Cost statement and annual progress report - Year 1 STFC 13
D1.5 Progress report to the Commission (18 months) STFC 19
D1.6 Cost statement and annual progress report - Year 2 STFC 25
D1.7 Progress report to the Commission STFC 31
D1.8 Final HELCATS cost statement and annual progress report STFC 36
D1.9 Final public report STFC 36

Work Package 2:

Deliverable Number Deliverable Title Leader Delivery Month
D2.1 Catalogue of observational parameters of HI-1 manually-identified CMEs STFC 36
D2.2 Report on the feasibility of automatic identification of CMEs in HI-1 data ROB 12
D2.3 Report on the inter-comparison of the manual and automated CME catalogues STFC 18
D2.4 Report in which the manual and automated HI CME catalogues are compared to pre-existing coronagraph CME catalogues STFC 24
D2.5 Scientific management of HELCATS STFC 36

Work Package 3:

Deliverable Number Deliverable Title Leader Delivery Month
D3.1 Provision of time-elongation maps for the catalogued CMEs and incorporation of the results of the geometrical fitting into the catalogue STFC 12
D3.2 Incorporation the results of the forward-modelling techniques into the CME catalogue UGOE 36
D3.3 Report on model results STFC 36
D3.4 Report on prototype inverse model UGOE 36

Work Package 4:

Deliverable Number Deliverable Title Leader Delivery Month
D4.1 Establishing an online catalogue of potentially associated solar source and insitu phenomena UNIGRAZ 24
D4.2 Report on statistical analysis and comparison of HI results with coronal and in situ data UNIGRAZ 30

Work Package 5:

Deliverable Number Deliverable Title Leader Delivery Month
D5.1 Establishing an online CIR catalogue UPS 12
D5.2 Fitting the leading edge of CIRs and determination of latitudinal extent UPS 24
D5.3 Catalogue of CIRs/coronal holes UPS 36
D5.4 Imagery/in situ comparison UPS 36
D5.5 Analysis of in situ data UH 36

Work Package 6:

Deliverable Number Deliverable Title Leader Delivery Month
D6.1 Assessment of how well ENLIL predicts the properties of CIRs using HI UPS 24
D6.2 Catalogue of optimised ENLIL simulations UPS 24
D6.3 Catalogue of shocks of obtained using ENLIL UPS 36
D6.4 Assessment of the use of HI/ENLIL for space-weather forecasting UPS 36

Work Package 7:

Deliverable Number Deliverable Title Leader Delivery Month
D7.1 Catalogues of EISCAT and LOFAR IPS data events and of S/WAVES events IMPERIAL 27
D7.2 Report of initial comparison between IPS events and HI events STFC 30
D7.3 Report of initial comparison between solar radio-burst events and HI events IMPERIAL 30

Work Package 8:

Deliverable Number Deliverable Title Leader Delivery Month
D8.1 Publication in the professional scientific literature STFC 36
D8.2 Annual open meetings STFC 36
D8.3 Attendance/presentations at major science meetings STFC 36
D8.4 Posting information on the website STFC 36
D8.5 Integration with community facilities and websites STFC 36
D8.6 Production of press releases, public talks STFC 36
D8.7 Integrate the J-map associated catalogues produced in HELCATS to the propagation tool UPS 36
D8.8 Integrate Carrington Map associated catalogues in the propagation tool UPS 36