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Video of the final HELCATS science meeting by Emilia Kilpua

Animation showing the multi-viewpoint GCS fitting involved in the production of the WP3 KINCAT catalogue

3D Movie of CME fronts from STEREO-A and STEREO-B produced by Alexis Rouilard

visualization of the predicted impacts of solar storms observed with the STEREO heliospheric imagers covering 2007-2014, at a 6 hour time resolution. It shows planets (filled circles) and spacecraft (filled squares) projected in the solar equatorial plane, in colors as indicated at the bottom. Large red (blue) circles are CMEs moving at constant propagation speed, with constant direction and constant angular width of 60°, modeled after observations by STEREO-Ahead (STEREO-Behind). At an impact time, a circle with the color of the spacecraft and size related to the impact speed at the target according to the legend on the upper part of the figure is produced. This „impact circle" fades away with time so an impact is better visible. [Credit: Möstl, Christian (christian.moestl@uni-graz.at)]

Visualization of solar storms observed with the STEREO heliospheric imagers and their detections at in situ spacecraft, covering 2007-2014 at a 6 hour time resolution. Here, circles that light up and fade are actual in situ ICME detections. The size of the circle that lights up is related to the mean magnetic field in the ICME, given by the legend on the upper part of the figure. On the right hand side, the in situ magnetic field components in colors (Bx red, By green, Bz blue) and the total field (black) are shown for the 5 spacecraft MESSENGER, VEX, Wind, STEREO-A, and STEREO-B. The number below each spacecraft label on the far right is the HEEQ longitude of the spacecraft. This animation is particularly useful for identifying lineup CME observations of planets and spacecraft. [Credit: Möstl, Christian (christian.moestl@uni-graz.at)]

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