WP5 Catalogue

This is a community-oriented catalogue of CIRs observed by STEREO/HI, with their main parameters, from 2007 to 2015 (minimum through maximum and early declining phase of solar cycle 24).

This is version: 02 of the catalogue, released 2017-03-27. (DOI: *** awaiting assignment ***)

The catalogue can be downloaded in several formats (Fixed format ASCII, JSON, VoTable XML)

SIR blob launch date range
ID SC Date
Speed Err
Beta Err
Carr Long Src
HAE Long Src
Carr Long CH
Carr Lat CH
Carr Rot
Pred arriv STA
Pred arriv STB

The catalogue contains the following columns (some of which may be hidden by default):

IDThe unique identifer for the observed CME.
SCThe observing STEREO spacecraft, (A=Ahead or B=Behind).
Date [UTC]The date and time of the first observation of the CME in HI1 camera.
Speed [kms-1]Speed of blob
Speed Err [kms-1]Error on the calculated SIR speed
Beta [deg]Angular separation betwenn probe-Sun line and the blob prop
Beta Err [deg]Error in Beta.
Carr Long [deg]Carringthon longitude of the source pont = anchor point (latitude assumed =0)
HAE Long Src [deg]HAE source longitude
Carr Long CH [deg]Carrington longitude of closet coronal hole (by eye search)
Carr Lat CH [deg]Carrington latitude of closet coronal hole (by eye search)
Carr #Carrington rotation number
Pred Date STA [UTC]Predicted arrival date at Stereo A
Pred Date STB [UTC]Predicted arrival date at Stereo B
CommentAdditional information on this event

This is where we will display additional event information such as images.